Functions to find a path and calculate a score of a graph.
(barycenter-scorer graph)
Returns an edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.BarycenterScorer for graph. It
can be used for calculating scores for each node according to the sum of its
distances to all other nodes.
(betweenness-centrality graph)
Returns an edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.BetweennessCentrality for
graph. It can be used for calculating betweenness centrality for each node and
edge in the graph.
(bf-path graph src-node dst-node)
Returns a vector of the nodes on the shortest path from src-node to dst-node,
in order of their occurrence on this path, using Breadth-First Search (BFS)
algorithm. Returns an empty vector if the path does not exist.
(closeness-centrality graph)
(closeness-centrality graph distance)
Returns an edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.ClosenessCentrality for graph.
It can be used for calculating scores for each node based on the mean distance
to each other node.
(degree-scorer graph)
Returns an edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.DegreeScorer for graph. It can
be used for calculating scores for each node equal to its degree.
(dijkstra-path graph src-node dst-node)
Returns a vector of the nodes on the shortest path from src-node to dst-node,
in order of their occurrence on this path, using Dijkstra's single-source-
shortest-path algorithm. Returns an empty vector if the path does not exist.
(eigenvector-centrality graph)
Returns an edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.EigenvectorCentrality for
graph. It can be used for calculating eigenvector centrality for each node in
the graph. The 'eigenvector centrality' for a node is defined as the fraction
of time that a random walk(er) will spend at that node over an infinite time
horizon. Assumes that the graph is strongly connected.
(hits graph)
Returns an edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.HITS for graph. It can be used
for calculating hub and authority scores to each node depending on the
topology of the network.
(page-rank graph)
(page-rank graph alpha)
Returns an edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.scoring.PageRank for graph. It can be
used for calculating scores for each node according to the PageRank algorithm.
(score this node)
Returns a score of node calculated with scorer algorithm. Note that type of
the returned score is different depending on the scorer.